ADAM Brews Futuristic Coffee for 250 Tech Enthusiasts at Google Cloud Next

ADAM Brews Futuristic Coffee for 250 Tech Enthusiasts at Google Cloud Next

Timothy Tanksley
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Richtech Robotics brought a touch of the future (and a whole lot of delicious coffee) to Google Cloud Next this year! ADAM captivated attendees with his ability to craft high-quality coffee drinks and his charming personality.

From the heart of the Google booth, ADAM delighted guests with his precision and charm, crafting perfect cups of coffee and sparking conversations that lingered long after the last drop was savored.

people taking pictures of a robot barista

Google's decision to enlist ADAM for the event speaks volumes about the quality and innovation behind our technology. As attendees gathered around the Google booth, ADAM worked tirelessly, serving over 250 cups of coffee with precision and flair. Each cup served was not just a beverage but a testament to our commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.

robot barista mid-pour making a coffee

ADAM's presence at Google Cloud Next was about more than just serving coffee—it was about showcasing the power of collaboration and innovation. As attendees explored the latest products, technologies, and innovations from Google Cloud, ADAM added an extra layer of excitement and intrigue, demonstrating how AI and robotics can enhance the customer experience in unexpected ways.

person films robot barista on their phone

At Richtech Robotics, we're grateful for the opportunity to partner with Google Cloud and participate in events like Google Cloud Next. As we continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in the realm of service robotics, we're inspired by the collaborative spirit and innovative mindset that define events like these.

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timothy tanksley the director of marketing of richtech robotics
Article by
Timothy Tanksley
Timothy Tanksley is the director of marketing of Richtech Robotics and a former member of the technical team. From childhood onwards, Timothy has tinkered with robotics and automation and loved every minute of it.

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